Recent Court Decision.

Rob Naudi and Stuart Reid were successful in the Federal Circuit Court of Australia with the court decision in Naudi & Reid as Trustees of the Bankrupt Estate of Albarouki v Albarouki (No. 2) [2019] FCCA 2187.
As a result of this decision, a dividend of 100 cents in the dollar is now expected to be paid, with interest payable to creditors where applicable.
Rodgers Reidy Approach
At Rodgers Reidy, we aim to, wherever possible, rescue a company or individual in financial difficulty by designing arrangements that will return commercial viability, will benefit all stakeholders, and which avoid the need for liquidation or bankruptcy.
In circumstances where this cannot be achieved, we will undertake a prompt, equitable and transparent process calculated to realise the full value of the available assets, so as to achieve the highest possible returns for creditors.
Click here to view the AFSA Newsletter with the full article