NEW: Rodgers Reidy WA Office (Perth).

We are pleased to announce the opening of Rodgers Reidy Perth, Western Australia. Rodgers Reidy are now the only National firm with a Registered Liquidator/Trustee located in each State and the Northern Territory.
We are pleased to announce the opening of Rodgers Reidy Perth, Western Australia. Rodgers Reidy are now the only National firm with a Registered Liquidator/Trustee located in each State and the Northern Territory.
Since the firm’s inception 21 years ago Rodgers Reidy has provided specialist service and advice to distressed businesses throughout Australia including the regional and rural sectors of the economy.
The opening of Rodgers Reidy Perth is consistent with the firm’s strategic plan to remain a leading National Insolvency & Restructuring firm, being the only National firm with a Registered Liquidator & Trustee located in each State capital city.
Our understanding of the unique relationship that exists between inter-state and regional business centres coupled with our ability to provide cost-effective innovative solutions have resulted in numerous appointments to businesses in these areas.
A Western Australian office allows the firm to continue its commitment to strengthen our services provision nationally and throughout Western Australia efficiently and cost effectively.
Located at 22 Lindsey Street in Perth and led by Jack James, Paula Smith and Nicole Allmark with support from other Rodgers Reidy staff.
Jack is a qualified chartered accountant with over 25 years’ experience in corporate recovery and insolvency, financial investigations, corporate restructuring and business advisory.
Jack has experience across a variety of industry sectors, including agribusiness, indigenous, mining and energy, tourism, manufacturing and education, where he has been involved in a variety of formal and informal appointments.
M: 0418 739 734
Paula is a chartered accountant with over 15 years’ experience specialising in corporate reconstruction and advisory services at leading professional services firms throughout Australia and Asia.
Paula has experience across a variety of industry sectors, including agribusiness, Indigenous, financial services, mining and energy, tourism and manufacturing.
M: 0418 980 512
Nicole is a qualified chartered accountant and has over 15 years’ experience in corporate recovery and insolvency, financial investigations, corporate restructuring and business advisory. Nicole spent 5 years working in corporate insolvency in London and held a senior role in a leading boutique corporate restructuring practice in Western Australia.
Nicole has experience across a variety of industry sectors, including construction, agribusiness, property and hospitality.
M: 0400 959 412