Lunch ‘n’ Learn Webinar – Return to work 2021 (a road to recovery).

Our panel for this month’s Lunch N Learn Webinar will explore issues around employment, property and the debtor-in-possession regime that will be active in Australia in the new year.
- Host – Brent Morgan
- Property Opportunities in 2021 – Paul Sutherland
The property market has had its fair share of challenges during 2020, not the least of which was the requirement to offer temporary rental reductions during the various lockdowns and work-from-home requirements. The flow on effect could have lasting impacts, for instance: will offices need as much office space as before, given the more fluid nature of the workforce? What sort of properties may be up for fire sales, and will they be worth exploring?
- Return to Work Employment Issues – Neil Salvadore
Work-from-home has challenged many businesses, while others in more ‘agile’ industries have thrived. But how does it all work now that we’re headed back to offices and workplaces again? If someone now wants to work from home, can they? What are the rights of employers and what may that mean for your business?
- Informal and formal restructuring options & debtor in possession laws – Neil McLean
Finally, how will the debtor-in-possession regime affect the recovery of Australian businesses in the future, and what lessons can we learn from the Chapter 11 set-up in the USA which operates under similar principals?